Inspiring Christian Homeschoolers to Achieve God's Greatness! iNSPIRE Christian Homeschool Academy

Science, Ancient History & English

Date – Time

Wednesdays – 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM


Martin Lake Ranch
8595 E FM 1462 RD
Rosharon, TX 77583 US

Additional Information

Wednesday Science is $15 per student, and all the other classes are free to science students.  Or students can drop in to just one non-science class for $5.  


10:00-11:20  SCIENCE: Creatures of the 5th Day- K-3rd grade- $15 per student- Glenn Little, Bearded Dragon Room

10:00-11:30 ENGLISH: 4th grade & up, Dawn Martin, Carli Bolden & Allie Martin, Computer Lab Upstairs, use outdoor stairs

*Pizza Lunch included for all kids and adults in attendance at 11:20

11:30-12:50  GENERAL SCIENCE- 4th-8th grade- $15 per student- Glenn Little, Bearded Dragon Room

11:30-12:15. COOKING (Girls):  K-3rd, Kitchen, Nashua Cevallos, Kitchen

11:30-12:15. ENGLISH (Boys): K-3rd, Dawn Martin, Chamelon Rm

12:15-1:00 COOKING (Boys):  K-3rd, Kitchen, Nashua Cevallos & Paij Windus, Kitchen

12:15-1:00  ENGLISH (Girls): K-3rd, Dawn Martin, Chamelon Rm

1:00-2:00  ANCIENT HISTORY: Ages 7 & up, Carli Bolden- pick one of the follow up activities below: Living Room

1:00-2:00. SOCIAL STUDIES: Ages 5-7, Kristy Wesley, Ancient History Junior, Chameleon Rm

2:00-2:30  BEGINNING READING: Dawn Martin, Chameleon Rm.

2:30-3:00  INTERMEDIATE READING:  Dawn Martin, Chameleon Rm.

2:00-2:30 & 2:30-3:00  DANCE:  Ages 8 & under, Mackenzie Martin, Studio

2:00-2:30 & 2:30-3:00. HISTORY BATTLES!  Ages 5 & up  Students choose between participating in the ARCHERY competition  or history board games.  Students will be grouped with other kids their age. Kendal Carol, Front Porch

2:00-3:30  COOKING:  4th grade & Up, Kimberly Ford, Kitchen

3:15. CARPOOL  to Selah Elementary Drama at Trinity Fellowship, 301 Leisure Lane, Friendswood, Text Michelle Murray to sign up or just come with us: (832) 434-6828